The cause for most of our problems today can be traced back for many years. We have gotten away from the true definition of what our “rights” really mean.
Our country was founded on the principles of freedom and individual rights.
We have the right to do whatever we want as long as it does not affect the rights of others.
This definition has been allowed to become so subjective that the line has been blurred.
We must make people responsible for their own actions.
In business, if employees are not held accountable the business will suffer. And so it should be in our personal lives!
If you want to take drugs or do other things that kill you or harm you, that’s your right as long as it does not put others in danger or affect their rights.
The law should be strongly enforced to punish those that violate this simple principal.
Am I saying drugs should be legalized?
I believe they should!
We should focus our efforts on educating people all through school and after, so they know and understand the risks.
How does this relate to the COVID-19 virus?
Each of us are responsible for our own safety. Just like any other contagious diseases, we all decide how much risk we want to take when it comes to exposing ourselves to that risk.
The debate over masks and lockdowns has become an explosive subject. But, regardless of whether wearing masks help or not, that choice belongs to us, not our government!
The government is far overreaching its authority by telling us where we can go and how many people we can be around.
Once again, that decision is our personal right! Each of us has the “right” to choose if we go to restaurants or bars, or do anything else for that matter.
In the end, we alone will be responsible for our actions, based on the amount of risk we take.
If we allow our government to take away these rights, there will be no end to their control.
We will lose our rights as well as our freedom!
I will leave you with one question for now:
Do you have the “right” to know if a person sitting next to you has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus?
Based on current HIPPA laws, the answer is NO!
What do you think?
I will be updating “Lines in the Sand” so watch for part 2.